What's the Growing Edge in your life?
Life forever invites us to grow into new challenges, new adventures, new opportunities to learn and to serve.
What’s your growing edge? Maybe it’s a quest for meaning or purpose. Or for a vocation where your deep gladness meets the world’s deep need. Or for ways to join others in working for the common good.
Whatever it may be, you’re invited to join us in this online gathering of people who seek to grow toward the light, even in times of darkness.
Through our reflections, newsletter and The Growing Edge podcasts, we’ll explore where life is calling us next.
Carrie Newcomer
Carrie Newcomer is a singer, songwriter, poet, and activist whose growing edge is learning how to live in “the beautiful not yet” with passion and purpose.
Parker J. Palmer
Parker J. Palmer is a writer, teacher, and activist whose growing edge is learning how to live an engaged and creative life as an elder on “the brink of everything.”

“All around us life is dying and life is being born. The fruit ripens on the tree, the roots are silently at work in the darkness of the earth against a time when there shall be new leaves, fresh blossoms, green fruit.
Such is the growing edge!
This is the basis of hope in moments of despair, the incentive to carry on when times are out of joint and dreams whiten into ash. The birth of the child—life’s most dramatic answer to death—this is the growing edge incarnate.
Look well to the growing edge!”