Posts tagged Personal Growth
Episode 58: Cutting Loose—Sometimes from Sorrow, For No Reason, You Sing

Join Parker and Carrie for a conversation about William Stafford’s poem “Cutting Loose”. In this episode we explore the way that disillusionment or feeling lost can bring with it a powerful sense of reality, faithfulness and new direction. Parker and Carrie talk about their own experiences of feeling lost and listening to the sound of the genuine within them. In these challenging times, this is a poem that has much history and wisdom to share. We hope you’ll join the conversation by listening to the episode and commenting on our Substack page.

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Episode 51: All Real Living Is Meeting: Is Community Possible

In this podcast, Carrie and Parker talk about our individual and collective longing for safe and generative community. We’ve always been tugged between our western culture’s drive toward individuality and our desire for a meaningful life together. In this Post-covid time, people are a little rusty at being in community. We are also reassessing what meaningful community looks like and how we choose to participate. Carrie and Parker explore how meeting happens in the space between us, and how critical it is to be mindful about how we hold that space. Gathering in circles is an ancient practice that is being revived in our time. But not all circles are designed to welcome the soul, and so how we intentionally create those safe and generative spaces?

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Episode 40: How To Fly - A Conversation With Author/Poet Barbara Kingsolver

In this episode Carrie & Parker welcome Author/Poet Barbara Kingsolver. Together they discuss the natural world, mortality, the promise of ambiguity, the pleasure of making, the writer's life, knitting and her new book of luminous poetry How To Fly (in Ten Thousands Easy Lessons.

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Episode 29: The Handing Over Time

In this episode, Carrie and Parker reflect upon the happenings of 2020. They discuss challenges we've faced in the past year as well as focus and evidence for hope in the new year. They explore the idea of living in the "Tragic Gap" and living into creative citizenry. They read Mary Oliver's lovely poem "Starlings in Winter" and discuss grief and getting past it, and what is is putting lift into their boots. Carrie sings, the song “The Handing Over Time” by Carrie Newcomer and Gary Walters

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